Monday, May 17, 2021

Origin Story: How Age-friendly Buncombe Got Started

 More than thirty years ago, leaders in Buncombe County NC had the foresight to begin planning for the (then coming) shift in demographics toward a rapidly growing aging population. Specifically, Dick Patzfahl, the then director of the Council on Aging, and Calvin Underwood, the director of the Department of Social Services at the time, recognized the need for heightened community awareness and preparation for this increase in older adults in Buncombe County. So, they held a conference entitled “The State of the Elderly in Buncombe County” in June 1988.    

Out of that conference emerged the Aging Coordinating Consortium (ACC), whose mission was to provide a structure for agencies, organizations and individuals to work together to plan, promote community awareness, and advocate for public and private support for services to the older adults of Buncombe County. Over thirty+ years the ACC has developed and implemented the County’s 5-year strategic Aging Plans, has advised the Commissioners on the allocation of aging services funding, and has provided a forum for aging services providers to network and coordinate.  

Beginning with the 2008-2012 Plan, the Aging Plan has evolved from its original focus on the allocation of aging services funds, to include a much broader scope that encompasses many aspects of community. Along the way, committees and working groups that share the vision of an age-friendly community, have been identified and developed. They represent a wide range of domains, from housing, transportation, and outdoor buildings and spaces; to social and civic engagement and employment; community and health services; respect and inclusion; and, information and communication. 

The current Aging Plan (2018-2022) called for the County to join the WHO/AARP Network of Age-friendly Communities, which it did. In turn, the ACC was rebranded as the Buncombe Aging Services Alliance (BASA), and it continues to meet monthly for networking and capacity building among service providers and volunteers who work with older adults. 

BASA’s responsibility for allocating aging services funding has shifted to a new committee, the Home and Community Care Block Grant Advisory Committee, which is managed through Buncombe Health and Human Services. The responsibility for the Aging Plan and its implementation has shifted to the Age-friendly Buncombe County Advisory Group.   

The current Aging Plan has recently been updated and re-named The Age-friendly Buncombe Plan. It reflects current activities and priorities, as well as aspirations and new opportunities. Age-friendly Buncombe’s affiliated committees and working groups are aligned with the goals, strategies and tactics outlined in the plan, which itself aligns with the County’s Strategic Plan. The Age-friendly Buncombe Plan will be updated next in 2023. Beginning this fall, we will produce an Age-friendly Buncombe Annual Report. 

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