Monday, March 21, 2022

Asheville-Buncombe Senior Games and SilverArts Promote Health, Wellness, and Creativity


With ample opportunities for community members 50 years of age and better, the schedule for Asheville-Buncombe Senior Games and SilverArts includes six weeks of competitions, demonstrations, and fellowship to exercise the mind and body. The event is one of 53 officially-sanctioned local participants in North Carolina Senior Games, the largest senior Olympic program in the nation. 

Select categories preview during Celebrate Seniors Week from March 28-April 1. Senior Games and SilverArts competitions take place from April 4-May 14 at locations throughout Buncombe County with all events welcoming spectators. There is no fee to participate and online registration is open through April 1 at

“Each spring, hundreds of locals 50+ years-old enjoy participating in Asheville-Buncombe Senior Games and SilverArts,” according to Colt Miller, Asheville Parks & Recreation Athletics Coordinator. “As people live longer and more actively, it’s great to see so many participants in their prime show off skills. At the core, the games and arts celebrate the creativity, dedication, and pride of older adults in our community.”

Sports include bowling, bocce, croquet, football throw, softball throw, golf, putt-putt, cycling, track and field, archery, swimming, billiards, badminton, cornhole, horseshoes, pickleball, basketball shooting, racquetball, shuffleboard, mini golf, tennis, and table tennis. Age categories start at 50 and increase at five year intervals.

SilverArts categories are classified as Heritage (quilting, woodwork, crochet, basket weaving, jewelry, needlework, tole painting, weaving, knitting, pottery, stained glass, woodcarving, and woodturning), Visual (solo, small group, and large group), Performing, Literary (poem, short story, essay, and life experience), Contemporary, and Cheerleading. Art pieces will be displayed at Buncombe County Public Libraries.

Highlights include:

  • Celebrate Seniors Week
    • March 28, 10 a.m.-noon: Softball and football toss at Montford Park baseball field
    • March 29, 3-5 p.m.: Pickleball at Murphy-Oakley Park
    • March 30, 10 a.m.-noon: Crafts at Senior Opportunity Community Center
    • March 31, 3-5 p.m.: Track and field at Linwood Crump Shiloh Community Center
    • April 1, 10 a.m.-noon: Shuffleboard at Harvest House Community Center

  • Opening Ceremonies: April 7 at 3 p.m. at Murphy-Oakley Community Center

  • Swimming and Aquatics: April 23 at Buncombe County Schools Aquatic Center
  • Track and Field: April 30 at Asheville High School
  • Pickleball: May 7 at Murphy-Oakley Park

Asheville-Buncombe Senior Games and SilverArts is a partnership between Asheville Parks & Recreation and Asheville City Schools, Black Mountain Parks & Recreation, Buncombe County Schools, Buncombe County Public Libraries, Buncombe County Recreation Services, Humana, and YMCA of Western North Carolina.

Monday, March 7, 2022

Aging in Place in Buncombe County: This week on PBS North Carolina's ncIMPACT

What are your plans for aging in place? Is your home set up to support you if and as your needs change? Are you connected to friends and family who you can turn to for help? Do you know what community and health-based services are available for you (some at no charge)?

To live safely, independently and comfortably in community requires quality housing AND access to health, social & economic resources, and social connections, as well as policies and infrastructure that support these resources. Thriving as you age also requires planning for the unexpected. Inevitably, function and ability change over time. However, you can prepare to maximize your well-being, regardless of your level of means.

Age-Friendly Buncombe County's Housing Options for Aging in Place (HOAP) working group includes members with expertise and years of experience in health, aging, social services, planning, housing and design. Together they are committed to educating others about "the why," "the what," and "the how" related to aging in place.

And (drumroll, please) HOAP will be featured on this week's episode of #ncIMPACT!

Tune in on Friday, March 11 at 7:30 PM on PBS North CarolinaThis episode will also be available for streaming beginning March 11: